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Gallade is weak against Ghost, Flying, and Fairy-type moves. Avoid using Fighting and Rock-type moves as much as possible, for those are its resistances.

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Q: What is super effective gallade?
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What is super effective against gallade?

Ghost & Flying. I believe that's it! Not dark or bug because although they're super-effective against Psychic, they are not-effective against Fighting. And not Psychic, because though it's super-effective against Fighting, it's not-effective against Psychic.

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It doesn't do super effective it don't get hit unless its super effective

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You talk to some people at the dig sites and it will give you the option of battling them.Fire is super-effective on Earth. Earth is super-effective on Air. Air is super-effective on Water. Water is super-effective on Fire. Neutral isn't not effective or super-effective on anybody.

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I would say Gallade is the best. The legendaries Arceus and Mew are also brilliant.

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psychic pokemons and attacks are super effective

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super effective is bug

Can Gallade learn Perish Song?

Out of the many many many moves Gallade can learn, Perish Song can not be taught to Gallade. My Gallade is Po. I tried before I answered. :(

Is Fire super effective to Psychic Pokemon?

No. Ghost and Dark is super effective to Psychic Pokemon. Fire is super effective to Grass, Steel, Bug, and Ice.

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Fighting and Bug types are super effective.

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They are super effective against Grass, Dark and Psychic types.

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Super effective on Electric---Ground Super effective on Flying---Ice, Rock, Electric If you mean super effective on an electric/flying type: rock and ice.

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