Darkrai is a dark type Pokemon
Darkrai is one of only nine pure dark type pokemon, along with purrloin, liepard, zorua ,zoroark , umbreon , poochyena, mightyena, umbreon, and absol.
lugia of course because darkrai is only a dark type and lugia has combined types
Yea you can first just go to YouTube and type in How to catch darkrai and their will be a vid saying how to catch darkrai no Acton replay! That is wear the rules are
Glitch for it! On Google type in: Tweaking glitch for Pokemon Platinum. find out how to do it and then Type in: How to get darkrai using the tweaking glitch on platinum.
Darkrai is a dark type of Pokemon. You can catch one in Pokemon Diamond version on Newmoon Island but you need a membership card.
lugia of course because darkrai is only a dark type and lugia has combined types
Yes, it is speculated there will be.
Yea you can first just go to YouTube and type in How to catch darkrai and their will be a vid saying how to catch darkrai no Acton replay! That is wear the rules are
Glitch for it! On Google type in: Tweaking glitch for Pokemon Platinum. find out how to do it and then Type in: How to get darkrai using the tweaking glitch on platinum.
darkrai, houndoom, scraggy, sandile etc.
Darkrai cannot be affected by a Pokemon that would give it a super effective but he can be affected. yes he can get afected by water fire.
type this in and you will get darkrai 94000130 FCFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 B0000004 00000000 0000AA3C EDB88320 2000AA68 00000008 D2000000 00000000
Darkrai is a dark type of Pokemon. You can catch one in Pokemon Diamond version on Newmoon Island but you need a membership card.
Hard to say, neither has a obvious type advantage.