You can use a good dark type pokemon like umbreon,hoondoom etc. I hope this help!! :-)
Use dark or fire type moves.
Do you mean "what are Dark-types weak against?" Bug-type and Fighting-type moves will deal double damage to Dark-types.
Milotic. Enough said
every game has the same types and weaknesses. as usual psychic is weak to bug and dark type Pokemon in all games, not just Pokemon's also weak to ghost
You can use a good dark type pokemon like umbreon,hoondoom etc. I hope this help!! :-)
there are none only grond type ones.
Use dark or fire type moves.
Do you mean "what are Dark-types weak against?" Bug-type and Fighting-type moves will deal double damage to Dark-types.
Most people use something that knows bite or a dark type move
its either hyperbeam or heatwave
Milotic. Enough said
Ghost or dark pokemon
You fight him in the Distortion World but only in Pokemon Platinum. His Pokemon are: Houndoom Lv45 Type Dark Fire, Gyarados Lv46 Type Water Flying, Weavile Lv48 Type Dark Ice, Crobat Lv46 Type Poison Flying, Honchkrow Lv47 Type Dark Flying.
ok. flying- staravia grass- roserade, or tropios dark/electrick- luxray it is dark and electrick i have beat the Pokemon league twice with luxray and you will need a ground i suggest rydhon
any Pokemon that is a dark type any Pokemon that is a dark type