I am guessing you are playing a modpack. This device saves a x amount of chuncks in the area around the chunckloader. So a device such as a pump or quarry will continue to operate even if you are not in the chunk or world. These will not work offline unless you are on a server and its on.
If your x and z coordinates are both multiples of 16, you are standing on the corner of a chunk.
Probably a HUGE chunk of lava. Or glitch.
you have to downlaod a mod seach for a mod loader and the mod its self
All you have to do is delete your .minecraft folder and run Minecraft agian. It will make a new one, then try installing it agian.
No. I use that mod and I don't have mod loader.
Just search in google 'Minecraft mod downloader'
search it in the forums :)
If your x and z coordinates are both multiples of 16, you are standing on the corner of a chunk.
As of the newest forge, no.
No, unless you have a free loader.
Probably a HUGE chunk of lava. Or glitch.
you have to downlaod a mod seach for a mod loader and the mod its self
All you have to do is delete your .minecraft folder and run Minecraft agian. It will make a new one, then try installing it agian.
If your taking about minecraft "Forge mod loader" than no. the only thing it does is let you install mods quickly and efficiently.
No. I use that mod and I don't have mod loader.
Once you've registered a premium account, you can download the client software straight from the Minecraft website.
Diamonds are a rare mineral in minecraft found by mining. Diamond veins spawn once per chunk, and are found best on level 14.