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None only when it becomes Gyrados can it learn TM's.

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Q: What tms can Magikarp learn?
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Can magicarp learn hyper beam?

No, you must evolve Magikarp into Gyarados for it to learn Hyper Beam. (Magikarp can't learn any TMs)

What is the best TM to learn to Magikarp?

Magikarp cannot learn TMs (or HMs for that matter). You must first evolve it into Gyarados (which happens at Level 20) before you can begin teaching it TM moves.

What is the suckes Pokemon in Pokemon SoulSilver?

magikarp because it cant learn tms or HMS and its only attack is splash wich does nothing

Can Magikarp learn other moves?

It learns tackle at lv. 15, Flail at lv. 30. Can be tutored Bounce in Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver Cannot learn ANY TMs or HMs.

Can you teach tms to a Magikarp?

yes there is only one though, its bounce in hgss

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Wynaut cannot learn any tms until it elvoles into Wobbuffet

What TM moves can Magikarp learn?

Magikarp can't learn any TM moves.

What is the weakest Pokemon ever?

its magikarp if u look in the pokedex and look at magikarp it even says that its considered the weakest Pokemon haha... that's probably why it has such an awesome evolution :) Not only that, but magikarp can't even learn tms or HMS in Pokemon games. The only Pokemon that can't learn moves. - 8-) It can still learn flail and tackle though, but it is still dumb lol its like feebas, how it evolves into milotic Other Person: Well, if you're asking about base stats then Sunkern is the weakest. Magikarp is "weak" although it's not the "weakest."

When does Gyarados learn moves in Pokemon Yellow?

Gyarados should learn Bite once Magikarp evolves at lv 20. Gyarados will then learn Dragon Rage at 25, Leer at 32, Hydro Pump at 41, and Hyper Beam at 52. Gyarados will also learn moves if you teach it TMs and HMs.

Why can't Magikarp learn any moves besides Splash in Emerald?

MagikarpActually, Magikarp can learn moves and level up. Magikarp can learn Tackle and Flail. Feebas can also learn Tackle and Splash. Magikarp and Feebas can't learn any more moves until they evolve into Gyarados or Milotic.

Is feebas weak?

Somewhat, I think. It's kind of like a new version of Magikarp; it doesn't learn many new moves on his own, but it can be taught different TMs and HMs until you get it max beauty to evolve it into a Milotic.

Can Magikarp learn flash?
