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On a regular army base (i.e. not in a combat zone) combat personnel do not carry weapons on their person at all times. However, if the base is in a combat zone, all personnel are required to carry weapons. These arms can be anything from a personal weapon (pistol) to a combat ready device or assault rifle. It depends solely on the weaponry that is assigned to the combat personnel.

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Q: What sort of arms do combat personnel carry?
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Is there some sort of secret to leveling your Combat level in Runescape or do the high levels really just sit there and attack things all day?

High level players do just sit there and attack things, there are particular things that will level faster than others, i can recommend rock crabs, they are lvl 13 but they have 50 hp each so that's 200 xp per kill to your chosen combat skill. also after completing 'Creature of Fenkenstrain' you will gain access to 'Experiments' they are level 25 with 100 hp each, that's 400 xp per kill. finally, the slayer skill is an excellent way to raise your combat level. i am level 97 :) i mostly attack things ^_^

How many zombies can one person kill?

Depends on weather or not you have proper training for combat and also hand to hand combat. Survival training helps as well. Proper hardware such as explosives and weaponry. The right shelter i.e. a castle of some sort. The average American could probably kill none because of fast food excess. Southerners and NRA members could probably slay (given proper gear and training) easily a couple hundred. If they have a good crack team of military experts, a few thousand most likely more given the correct equipment.

How do you get Togpi T o evolve?

to get togpi to evolve you have to be friendly to it...that means don't use the same moves over and over use diffrent moves..don't let it die carry potions of some sort...give it berrys...all have it wit you...eventually it should evolve if you do that...i mean that's what mine did it took a while but i did it eventually

What is the difference between a hint and a cheat?

a cheat sort of effects the way you play (like invinsibility ecs) but a hint just sort of gives you a tip how to do a part

When you die do you know you have passed on?

what sort of random question is that?

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