Depends on weather or not you have proper training for combat and also hand to hand combat. Survival training helps as well. Proper hardware such as explosives and weaponry. The right shelter i.e. a castle of some sort. The average American could probably kill none because of fast food excess. Southerners and NRA members could probably slay (given proper gear and training) easily a couple hundred. If they have a good crack team of military experts, a few thousand most likely more given the correct equipment.
Smite 5 is the best enchant to kill zombies with some people see it as not the greatest in player vs player combat but it is very good for zombies.
That is Samantha laughing at you, Samantha is the one who controls the zombies
in order to gain the bulltrue medal a person must have the energy sword and just as there cross hare turns red and they lunge to kill you, you must kill te person while they are lunging to kill you usually the shotgun is the only weapon able to kill someone with one shot at that range
It doesn't really have one, I would say 12+ because it has blood and Zombies.
It increases the damage significantly. Usual knife does 150 damage, and the bowie knife does 1150 damage. it is also worth noting that all the guns you use do under 100, such as snipers doing 70 damage (with damage multipliers on various body parts which enable the one shot kills online (players have 100 HP in core and 30 in HC) and this also explains why knives are always a OHK online. (M14, for example, does 50-40 which is why it is a 2 or 3 shot kill) keeping that in mind, the bowie knife does 1150 damage. this means that with hellhounds, it is a one hit kill for the first three ''hellrounds'' after this the dog health maxes out permanently at 1600, meaning it is always a two hit kill. as for zombies, up to round 12, it is a one hit knife kill, and after that, you can imagine it stays at 2 hit kill for a little while, then slowly increases as the round number increases. still, rather have a three hit knife kill at round 20 or so then a 20 hit kill knife. (amount of knives needed for kill is equal to round number) so i would recommend you get it, for it is very useful. i know it costs 3000 points, but hey, you never have to buy ammo for it, ive explained the damage aspect and it saves ammo in your other guns. at round 20 or so, you would rather stab a zombie three times and get given the kill, youll even get bonus points for it, then using up half your ammo in your gun and then wishing desperately for a max ammo. another effective tactic when it is no longer a one hit kill: fire into the zombie crowds etc, thinning the crowds and weakening the zombies, before finishing off stragglers with what should now be back to a one hit kill knife. finally: those annoying gas zombies. if they die by your knife, they will NOT release that cloud of green gas. surely that must be worth the 3k, hmm? PERFECT ANSWER ABOVE
Yes, human have to kill zombies to protect the World.
Humans VS Zombies. Which one will win the fight? A tip about humans fight against zombies and see who will win this fight. Zombies attack by biting with their sharp teeth or scratch only but humans are better. Zombies are pretty strong and they can kill by biting and scratching but humans can run much more faster and break the zombies neck to kill them. Humans are much more stronger and smarter than zombies are. Humans can do a mega punch or a mega kick to the zombies. The zombies tried to kill humans with it's super sharp teeth but inside the human brains has way much more memories than zombie brains because humans studied alot and they can find out how to kill zombies much faster. Zombies can kill humans but humans can make their head fly. I think I will go for the humans because humans are better. Zombies came from their graves at the Cemetery but brave humans are not scared of zombies. Brave humans would rather kill zombies if they see them. Humans are extremely intellegent than zombies because humans are mammals but zombies are creatures that rise from the Graveyard. Humans can take the MG42 to kill zombies. The MG42 is the fastest machinegun in the World, it can kill over 1000 zombies per minute. The MG42 is extremely powerful and can kill zombies in one hit. Humans are stronger than zombies because they eat lots of healthy foods, get plenty of rest and exercise alot. Zombies normally love to kill all kinds of humans but humans don't like to kill zombies but they have to. The only reason why human kill zombies because they need to protect the World. I garunteed that humans will win this fight. Humans can kill zombies instantly by doing a mega kick right in the zombies head(super hard kick). I'm basically not stupid enough to be on the side of the zombies, I'm on the side of humans. Zombies has two attacks in order to kill humans but humans got plenty of attacks to kill zombies. Humans can learn karate and learn how to dodge. Zombies are not trained how to fight but humans are taught how to fight with enemies like zombies. Zombies are the enemies of humans. Humans do have enemies. Humans can kill zombies by doing any awesome karate moves. So the humans are winner.
kill all the zombies
Yes. The head is one of the most weakest spot and bullets are really strong enough to break crack right the through zombies skull. Headshots can really kill zombies in the fastest way.
what kind of zombies, if its the one you get on the paynspray then you cant its invincible, unless you drive away from it
Kill one take its guts and pretend to be a zombie to get away
It really depends on how long it will take to kill each one.
There can only be 24 zombies at one time aka the waves.
yes it has zombies the maps are called house facility temple and overlook it is significantly harder than the main console versions due to no wonder weapons and zombies kill in one hit and take longer to kill
all you have to do is kill zombies and some will drop a nuke but if one does run into the nuke and it will blow up and not hurt you but it will kill the zombies that are out
The plants aid you in fighting the zombies in different way.
You don't you kill the zombies why would you act like one