U can use a good or super rod. u will have better luck with the super rod. and if u cant find them, their at route 44.
hope i helped
if its on pokemon soul silver, just use your super rod in violet city.
get the sprayduck from golden rod flower shop and water it.
To find a Poliwag in Soul Silver, just use your old rod in the water in the Ruins of Alph. The first time I put my rod in the water, I caught one! :)
Well, go south of Prof. Rowan's house and surf in the ocean, then use a good rod to fish for it.
there r alot of ways 2 find remoraid, but unfortonetly, i only know 1 place. and that place is outside selphys house. the girl u find in that cave on island 5 and her butler gives u a luxury ball if u show her to Pokemon she wants. to get remoraid, go outside her house and use the super rod on the water.
you have to use a old rod or a good rod in pallet town
Use a good rod in any of the places it says in the pokedex. To catch an Octilery, use a super rod. (Octilery evolves from Remoraid)
if its on pokemon soul silver, just use your super rod in violet city.
Easy. Just register the fishing rod then face water and press y
If you go into the Dragon's Den and surf around, or use a Good Rod, you might get one.
In all the locations you can catch Remoraid, just use the Super Rod reather than the Goody-Goody Good Rod.
get the sprayduck from golden rod flower shop and water it.
you need to go to the safari zone and use a super rod with 20 water items in the swamp
if you play soul silver or heart gold go to Vermilion City and use a fishing rod hope i helped
trade it from diamond, pearl and platinum super rod around the middle of mt coronet use a certain rod to indacate what level you want it at hope i helped
To find a Poliwag in Soul Silver, just use your old rod in the water in the Ruins of Alph. The first time I put my rod in the water, I caught one! :)
Well, go south of Prof. Rowan's house and surf in the ocean, then use a good rod to fish for it.