ZOO 3891 says,
well if your talkin non-legendary
chimeco-top of mt.prye near old couple
relicanth-go to a dive spot near sootopilis but not one leading to sootopils and use sweet scent
feebas-go to weather institute use surf in river by it and search with super rod
plusle-over by where you fight rival near slateport
sableye-in granite cave in brawlys city
sudowudu-(one chance) go to battle frontier and go by battle palace go down until you see an old lady save and then water the old tree blocking the river then catch it
snorunt-go to shoal cave at low tide and find the ice room
igglypuff-very cute breed a jigglypuff with a ditto
jigglypuff-go to rustboro go north and surf past first island with runner then land on second island if you see forest and a bunch of trainers your there then in back alot of softy Pokemon r there and so is jiggly puff go ahead catch it
cacnea-in the dessert where you catch regirock
pickachu-in safari zone by entrance
seedot-east of petalburg also grab a ralts while your there
pinsir-in safari zone where you catch heracros PS both are rare and beatles
volbeat-between mauville and verdanturf
bagon-in meteor falls on a certain small platform where you get dragon claw
well that is all from zoo3891 bye
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Groudon/Kyogre can be found by talking to the weatherman (cant do before the elite 4) (2nd floor of weather institute) and he will tell you if its a drought or heavy rain as well as telling you where its located. If its in the sea look for a diving spot, while if its on land look for a cave entrance.
Rayquaza- Rayquaza is located on the sky pillar, the first time you interact with it it will go stop the giant magma lizard (Groudon) and the whale (Kyogre) from fighting. If you go up there again, (keep in mind you can do this before the elite 4) you can fight it. Its best to save the masterball that you get from aqua hideout and then use it on Rayquaza.
The Regi Trio- its complex and too long for me to say it in this answer so look it up on wikihow.
On Pokemon emerald, just clone 99 Pokemon holding a rare candy.
Solrock is not such a rare Pokemon but you can only get them in ruby/emerald
Snubbull is a rare Pokemon that can only be found in the Safari Zone extension in Pokemon Emerald.
You can get three rare candies in Pokemon ruby sapphire and emerald
in the underwater grass but he is rare.
On Pokemon emerald, just clone 99 Pokemon holding a rare candy.
Solrock is not such a rare Pokemon but you can only get them in ruby/emerald
No, but it is considered as a rare Pokemon in emerald.
the main rare Pokemon is ragwaza (soz carnt remember how to spell it <:)
Snubbull is a rare Pokemon that can only be found in the Safari Zone extension in Pokemon Emerald.
The rare candy in pokemon emerald you can get after beating trick house of north slateport city
have EMERALD en clone a Pokemon with that rare candy
You can get three rare candies in Pokemon ruby sapphire and emerald
catch them :P
you don't