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Q: What qualifications is needed to become a tour guide?
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You have to be a Junior Cybear Guide to get the tour guide move

The cheats to become a tour guide?

You have to be atleast 45 days old to become a tour guide, other wise you just have to wait.

How do you become a tour guide in club penguin?

There is a tour booth were you have to take a test. if you pass the test you get a tour guide hat!

Do you have to pay for the tour guide hat?

When you become a tour guide you get it free so you don't need to pay for it.

On club penguin how do you become a tour guide?

When you are 45 days old you go to the ski village and click on the tour guide table and take the quiz and hopfully become a tour guide For more information , go to

How do you get to be a tour guide in club penguin?

You have to be a club penguin member for 30-60 days, and then go to the tour guide area and sign up to become a tour guide. You do not run the tour by yourself. It is entirely automated.

How do you become tour guide in clubpenguin?

You have to be 45 days old until you can be a tour guide and then you'll have to pass the tour guide test before you can actually become a tour guide. Go to the ski village and you'll see a tour guide stand and click on it. If you are 45 days old you will have to pass a tour guide test. For answers check out What are all the answers to the club penguin tour guide test? on this website. Then you can start being a tour guide by holding up your sing with w (u cant wear anything except your guide hat), and then click on messages, then go on activities and then click on give a tour.

How do you get the tour sign on club penguin?

You have to become a tour guide and and wave with the hat on your head

What training do you need to be a tour guide?

you have to be a penguin for at least 30 days and then you can take the test to become a tour guide (it's SUPERRRR easy)

How do you get the tour poster on clubpenguin?

you become a tour guide and wear the hat and you press dance or wave

How do you be come a tour guide answers on club penuin?

You can become a tour guide by being at least 45 days old and going to ski village. When you are at ski village click on the tour guide booth. When you click on it, click on the option to become a tour guide yourself. Finally answer a series of questions. Once you are done answering the questions it will tell you if you passed or not!

How do you become a tour gide on club peguin?

Simply go to the Tour Guide Booth in the Ski Village and take the test. You will receieve your Tour Guide Hat if you pass. Congratulations!