i used a premier ball, my relicanth was lvl 31 and it took me a little while to weaken it with my ultra balls. i was just using different poke balls to try and catch it bcuz my ultra balls wer'nt working. i tried using a premier ball and then it worked.ta-da.
You can catch it when you use dive.
Any pokeball will work but an ultra ball is probably best.
Dive ball.
you use a pokeball
an ultra ball
a pokeball
Which pokeball should you use to catch victini. Well i used the normal pokeball but in my opinion i think that you should use the ultra pokeball
You can catch it when you use dive.
If you have a catch pokeball jush cach.
Any pokeball will do it. The trick is to use a move that stops it from running away and then you can catch it!
To catch relicanth use Hypnosis by Gengar and get lots of Dive Balls
no you do not have to catch a relicanth to get a rayquaza
Any pokeball will work but an ultra ball is probably best.
You can use any pokeball unfortunately it has a low catch rate so it can be difficult to catch it even with a ultra ball
u can catch relicanth using oddish underwater in sootopolis city.after u c it ,use sleep/piosin powder and then use dive ball 2 catch it.hope this work. u can use sweet scent to find it
use a pokeball or a gameshark :p
use a pokeball...