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master. no other ball can hold it.

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Q: What poke ball can you use to catch jirachi?
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use a poke ball

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What is the best poke ball to catch raiku with?

the ultra ball is what i used to catch it...but you could use the master ball after you get it

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U can use a poke ball,mega ball,ultra ball but try it from the first when it appear with a quick ball it can catch it faster.

What poke ball do you use to catch Suicune?

a heal ball after slim health

What poke-ball do you use to catch entai?

Any pokéball

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use a poke-ball on it

Is it possible to catch Rayquaza in pearl?

yes but if you have ar (action replay) you can catch and use 100% catch for it so you can use an poke ball hope i help (^^) no you cant but if you have ar (action replay) you can catch and use 100% catch for it so you can use an poke ball hope i help (^^)

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you catch him with a master

What poke ball should you use to catch dioxis?

The best ball to catch Deoxys is a Master Ball or a Timer Ball! Trust Me!!! Pokemon Master