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It really depends on the Chansey's nature/what type of contest you want to have it in. Try to find what natures like what poffins and what poffins improve which contest. I use it and it works well :D

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Q: What poffins should you feed chansey?
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Like Riolu or Golbat, battle with it and give it poffins, then just level it up.

What do you feed Pokemon?

poffins and berries

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You can turn berries into poffins in Heart Home City and you can feed the poffins to your pokemon.

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you feed it dry poffins.

How do you get people to vote for your Pokemon contest?

feed them poffins or pokeblock

How do you make your Pokemon eat more poffins?

get a life.............................................................. you just feed it

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You don't let it faint often and you can feed it poffins.

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feed it poffins, battle with it alot,

How do ii evolve my feebas?

feed it loads of dry poffins then lvl it up

How many poffins can a Pokemon eat?

You can feed any amount of poffins until all of their status (cool, beauty, strength, cute, smart) is at the highest level.

How do you make a Pokemon hungry if it won't eat anymore in pokemon dimo nd?

I can only assume you mean Poffins? After maxing out a Pokemon's sheen, you can feed them no more poffins.

How do you evolve a Feebas into a Milotic in Pokemon Diamond?

feed it dry poffins. but make sure the poffins are levels 30 or so or it wont work. when it wont eat any more level it up. if it doesnt evolve then the poffins were too weak