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You can feed any amount of poffins until all of their status (cool, beauty, strength, cute, smart) is at the highest level.

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Q: How many poffins can a Pokemon eat?
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What is the largest amount of poffins a Pokemon can eat?

when a Pokemon eats poffins, its sheen increases. When its sheen is full the Pokemon will eat no more poffins. around about 10 - 15 is the maximum i think

Do Pokemon eat?

You can turn berries into poffins in Heart Home City and you can feed the poffins to your pokemon.

What happens when a Pokemon says they won't eat anymore poffins on Pokemon Diamond?

they wont eat anymore poffins that's all sorry

In Pokemon diamond how do you get a Pokemon to eat more poffins after there are full?

You can't!

How do you make a Pokemon hungry if it won't eat anymore in pokemon dimo nd?

I can only assume you mean Poffins? After maxing out a Pokemon's sheen, you can feed them no more poffins.

Why doesnt your Pokemon eat a poffin?

If it is full, it won't eat anymore poffins.

How do you make your Pokemon eat more poffins?

get a life.............................................................. you just feed it

If your Pokemon is full from poffins will it ever eat again?

Nope. Your Pokemon will never eat again in it's life, lol.

What does munchlax eat?

Honey from a honey tree, berries,poffins and Pokemon food

How do you make get Pokemon to eat poffins?

that is what happened with both my suicune and feebas. I just wanted to raise their beauty and suddenly they said it can't eat anymore. My friend told me to train it, but I think you just have to get another kind of that pokemon.

How do I increase stats if Pokemon won't eat anymore poffins?

feed it carbos and sutff

What can you do if your Pokemon wont eat anymore poffins?

probably what another day or so{i am not sured but i have the game}