You can feed any amount of poffins until all of their status (cool, beauty, strength, cute, smart) is at the highest level.
when a Pokemon eats poffins, its sheen increases. When its sheen is full the Pokemon will eat no more poffins. around about 10 - 15 is the maximum i think
they wont eat anymore poffins that's all sorry
You can't!
feed it carbos and sutff
probably what another day or so{i am not sured but i have the game}
when a Pokemon eats poffins, its sheen increases. When its sheen is full the Pokemon will eat no more poffins. around about 10 - 15 is the maximum i think
You can turn berries into poffins in Heart Home City and you can feed the poffins to your pokemon.
they wont eat anymore poffins that's all sorry
You can't!
I can only assume you mean Poffins? After maxing out a Pokemon's sheen, you can feed them no more poffins.
If it is full, it won't eat anymore poffins.
get a life.............................................................. you just feed it
Nope. Your Pokemon will never eat again in it's life, lol.
Honey from a honey tree, berries,poffins and Pokemon food
that is what happened with both my suicune and feebas. I just wanted to raise their beauty and suddenly they said it can't eat anymore. My friend told me to train it, but I think you just have to get another kind of that pokemon.
feed it carbos and sutff
probably what another day or so{i am not sured but i have the game}