One of the medications I use is a blue & yellow capsule that has a 135 on the yellow side, and a sort of "@" logo on the blue side. It's Trilipix, which is a medication to reduce triglycerides in some patients with high cholesterol.
# 135 on the pokedex in Luminion.
133 is octillery 134 is finneon and 135 is lumineon
134-Finneon 135-Lumineon Happy Playing :-D Dancer_Pokemoner
i found it doing the ifinite items cheats but it takes time to run into misingno and u sum times run into level 135 pokemonthen evetually u run into a level 18 charmander
you die
Should be Blue
The blue shark. One blue shark was found with 135 pups!
If the pill you are referring to is pink with "cor 135" printed on it, it is not birth control. I don't know if you meant to post it under this category....cor 135 is actually a generic substitue for Adderall. So your reaction should be similar to Adderall.
about 135
Blue sharks give birth to 4-135 pups. Depending on the size and maturity of the female.
It has a maximum height of 443 feet (135 m). The inside diameter of the wheel is 394 feet (120 m). Each of the 32 pods weighs 10 tonnes and are 26 feet long by 13 feet maximum diameter.
Absolute value of -135 is 135.
135 = 13,500%