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i found it doing the ifinite items cheats but it takes time to run into misingno and u sum times run into level 135 pokemonthen evetually u run into a level 18 charmander

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Q: Catch a Charmander in Pokemon Blue version?
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How catch venusaur in Pokemon Blue version?

you cant catch venusaur in Pokemon blue you pick at the start of the game out of charmander bulbesaur and squirtle if you want venusaur you pick bulbesaur

Starters in Pokemon Blue Game Boy game?

The starter pokemon for Pokemon Blue version are: Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle.

Where do you find a Charmander on Pokemon silver version?

You'll need to trade for it from Pokemon Red, Blue, or Yellow.

What Pokemon are different in Pokemon Red and blue?

there are a lot to mention but I'll give some. in Pokemon Yellow you can have Pikachu, Charmander, Bulbasaur and Squirtle all at the same time where in Red and Blue you can only have one. Meowth is not wild in the Yellow version but can be caught in the Blue version.

How do you catch Ho-oh on Pokemon Blue version?

This is completely impossible.

Can you catch chasird in Pokemon Blue?

I think you meant Charizard, you pick charmander as a starter then level him up so that he evolves into charmeleon, then into charizard. You can also trade with a friend for a charizard, but there unlikely to trade most likely. Also if you beat the elite 4 in Pokemon stadium, for the n64 system, the game will award you with a fossil Pokemon or a starter, like charmander. this is all from the person before me, i know for a fact you can catch him on Pokemon red, (very similar to blue,yellow and green) you can catch charmander at the old burnt building on cinnabar island.

In Pokemon blue which Pokemon should you catch to easiest beat brock in the first gym i have Charmander as starter?

use pidgey, raise it till about level 12. charmander works just as well after he learns metal claw

How do you Catch Charmander in Pokemon Gold Version?

You can't catch any of the starters from Red, Blue and Yellow. You have to trade with those games using the Time Capsule that Bill built and will be available when you reach Ecruteak City. Just remember that you can't trade new Pokemon and you can't trade old Pokemon with moves not found in Red, Blue and Yellow. Just old Pokemon and old moves

Where do you catch pikachu in Pokemon Blue version?

You can catch them in Viridian Forest as well as the Power Plant

How do you trade Charmander from blue version to silver version?

Time capsule

What are the starter Pokemon in Pokemon Blue?

Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charmander.

What are the starter Pokemon on Pokemon Blue?

Bulbusaur, Squirtle, Charmander.