For the national dex its Ekans. In the sinnoh dex its Magikarp.
The Sinnoh Pokedex only has 151 Pokemon in it.
In the sinnoh dex: porygon In the national dex: sunflora
Finneon is 134 in Sinnoh Dex
Registeel is not in the Sinnoh Pokedex. :)
hes not on the sinnoh dex, tho he's number 383 on the national dex
Number 65 in the National Sinnoh Dex is DRIFLOON, you can either get him/her in the bottom of cycling road or oreburgh city. :)
#96 in the Sinnoh dex #440 in he National dex
Sinnoh dex = 4. National dex = 390.
For the national dex its Ekans. In the sinnoh dex its Magikarp.
Finneon is number 134 in the Sinnoh Pokédex.
yes but sinnoh
The Sinnoh Pokedex only has 151 Pokemon in it.
In the Sinnoh dex: Ambipom. In the national dex: Kadabra
In the sinnoh dex,it is Feebas In the national dex,Omanyte