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Mantine. Evolves from Mantyke.

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Q: What number is 141 in the Sinnoh dex?
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What number is registeel in the sinnoh dex?

Registeel is not in the Sinnoh Pokedex. :)

What number is the legendary Pokemon Groudon on the Sinnoh Pokedex?

hes not on the sinnoh dex, tho he's number 383 on the national dex

What is number 65 in the Sinnoh dex?

Number 65 in the National Sinnoh Dex is DRIFLOON, you can either get him/her in the bottom of cycling road or oreburgh city. :)

What number is Happiny?

#96 in the Sinnoh dex #440 in he National dex

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What number is chimchar in the pokedex?

Sinnoh dex = 4. National dex = 390.

What is number 23 in pokedex?

For the national dex its Ekans. In the sinnoh dex its Magikarp.

Who is number 134 in the Sinnoh pokedex?

Finneon is number 134 in the Sinnoh Pokédex.

Where can you see Pokemon number 46 and 152 in platinum for the Sinnoh dex?

yes but sinnoh

What is Pokemon number 152 in the Sinnoh dex?

The Sinnoh Pokedex only has 151 Pokemon in it.

What is Pokemon number 64 at on platinum?

In the Sinnoh dex: Ambipom. In the national dex: Kadabra

What is number 138 in Pokemon diamond?

In the sinnoh dex,it is Feebas In the national dex,Omanyte