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Finneon is 134 in Sinnoh Dex

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Q: What is 134 in sinnoh dex?
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Who is number 134 in the Sinnoh pokedex?

Finneon is number 134 in the Sinnoh Pokédex.

Who are the Pokemon with the Sinnoh dex numbers 134 and 135?

vaporeon and jolteon

What pokemon is 134?

#134 on the Sinnoh dex is Finneon. You can find it on route 218 fishing with a good rod. It evolves in to Lumineon around Lv. 30.

Who is Pokemon 134 in Pokemon Diamond?

#134 on the Sinnoh dex is Finneon. You can find it on route 218 fishing with a good rod. It evolves in to Lumineon around Lv. 30.

What is the 46th Pokemon in the Sinnoh dex?

Diamond and Pearl Sinnoh Dex: 46# Wormadam Platinum Sinnoh Dex: 46# Wormadam

How many Pokemon are there in the sinnoh dex?

151 Pokemon are in the Sinnoh dex

How do you get 134 in sinnoh pokedex?

u get 134 Pokemon in sinnoh

What is 134?

#134 on the Sinnoh dex is Finneon. You can find it on route 218 fishing with a good rod. It evolves in to Lumineon around Lv. 30.

What is the last Pokemon in the Sinnoh dex?

The last Pokemon in the sinnoh dex is Giratina, and the last one in the national dex is Manaphy.

What Pokemon is 120 in Platinum's Sinnoh Dex?

pelipper is the 120th Pokemon in the platinum sinnoh dex.

Is there anyway to delete the Sinnoh dex?

yes when you upgrade the natiol dex before you obaint the forms part sinnoh dex will be deleted

How many Pokemon are there in pearl?

150 on sinnoh dex 151 if you count manaphy