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Q: How do you get into the cave of origin in sapphire after you caught Kyogre?
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Were to find Kyogre in sapphire?

in the cave of origin at sootopilis city i caught it with ultra balls

Where do you get Kyogre and Groudon in Pokemon Sapphire?

You can only get kyogre in sapphire you get it at the cave of origin.

What route is Kyogre found?

Kyogre is found in the Cave of Origin in Stoopolis City in Pokemon Sapphire.

How do you find kyoge in Sapphire?

You find Kyogre in The Cave of Origin in Sootopolis city

How do you get into cave of origin on pokemon sapphire?

You go in there after Kyogre is awakened, but until then, you don't.

Where do you get the the legendaries from on Pokemon sapphire?

Rayquaza can be caught after you beat the Elite 4 in the Sky Pillar to the right of Pacifilog. Kyogre can be caught in the Cave Of Origin after you find the Underwater cave and get Archie to unleash Kyogre's rage. Return to Sootopolis and go past the shop to the cave. Wander till you find the cave where Kyogre waits. Groudon cannot be caught in Sapphire. It needs to be traded from Ruby or Emerald. All of these need to be brought down to about 1 hp then many utra balls later you'll have them.

Where is rayquazakyrogregroudon in Pokemon sapphire?

Rayquaza can be caught after you beat the Elite 4 in the Sky Pillar to the right of Pacifilog. Kyogre can be caught in the Cave Of Origin after you find the Underwater cave and get Archie to unleash Kyogre's rage. Return to Sootopolis and go past the shop to the cave. Wander till you find the cave where Kyogre waits. Groudon cannot be caught in Sapphire. It needs to be traded from Ruby or Emerald. All of these need to be brought down to about 1 hp then many utra balls later you'll have them.

How do you find kyorge in Pokemon Sapphire?

You battle Kyogre in the Cave of Origin, in Sootopolis City.

Weres kyogre and Groudon after Rayquaza scarys them?

In what game? In Ruby, Groudon is n Cave of Origin, before Rayquaza In Sapphire, Kyogre replaces Groudon. In Emerald, Groudon is in Terra Cave and Kyogre, Marine Cave.

At which route can you find Groudon in Pokemon ruby?

in origin cave where u find kyogre in sapphire

What do you do after kyogre is awakened on Pokemon Sapphire?

Head to Sootopolis City, go into the Cave of Origin, and catch it!

Where is kyogre on route 125?

Kyogre is the name of a Pokemon only available in the Pokemon Sapphire and Pokemon Emerald video games. Kyogre can be found in the Cave of Origin, near Sootopolis City, in Sapphire, and it appears in the Marine Cave in Emerald. The location of the Marine Cave changes periodically in the game.