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Charge, Discharge, Endure, And Endeavor

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Q: What moves should you teach Elective?
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What moves should you teach Misdreavus before evolving it into a Mismagius?

If you have the TM Night Shade, you should teach it to Misdreavus. Really, it is a judgment call depending on your Misdreavus' moves before evolving.

What moves should you teach your salamance?

Teach salamance Dragon Dance,Outrage,Earthquake,Stone Edge.

What Pokemon should you teach cut?

You should teach HM moves to a pokemon that you will not be using, as you can't forget HM moves until you get to a move deleter. Grass type Pokemon's can usually be thought cut.

What moves should you teach timburr?

chipaway rockthrow rocksmash and low kick

Should you teach Empoleon shadow claw?

no because it already has good moves

What moves should you teach your metang?

first you should evolve your metang into a metagross. then you need to teach it moves with a variety of types. I recommend... Earthquake Zen Headbutt/Psychic Meteor Mash Hyper Beam I hope this helps

What moves should you teach Electivire?

you should teach it earthquake, Thunderpunch, Ice Punch and cross chop to get ice punch and cross chop, breed electebuzz with a medicham and that egg will level up knowing those moves

On Pokemon platinum who should I teach earthquake to my gabite or gliscor?

you should teach the move earthquake to gabite because when he evolves the move will be way stronger than teaching it to a gliscor. What moves should i teach gliscor then?

How do you teach Pokémon old moves in pearl?

If you mean the moves it learned that were deleted, there should be a guy somewhere in a city, i think its hearthome, but he should be able to teach your pokemon an old move for a heart scale. If not in hearthome, time to do a scavenger hunt!!!

What are the best moves for jolteon?

Jolteon is not one of the best electric type Pokemon considering the only thing good to teach it is an electric type move although you should teach it strategy moves along with an electric type move, moves like Toxic, Helping Hand would be good to teach it and Sand Attack.