You can teach Roserade's many moves, yet it never learns Petal Dance. You can teach it Grass Knot anytime, even when it is in it's single stage as a Budew. You can teach Roserade any moves, but I don't have a clue what moves he/she learns when it levels up. x
No. In fact, Roserade doesn't learn any moves by level-up. roserade can learn it though from the move tutor
Roserade doesn't exactly learn Weather Ball in the tradition sense but it does know and can learn the move. In-order to teach Roserade the move Weather Ball you need to find a Move Reminder which is an NPC that will reteach a Pokémon moves it already learned at lower levels for the cost of 1 Heart Scale. This is the only way to teach Roserade Weather Ball, many other Pokémon also have moves that require a Move Reminder to learn.
Roserade can only learn extrasensory through breeding. If you have a Pokemon that already knows that move, try to breed it with Roserade.
the moves budew learn are as followed up to level 16 when it hatches :absorb level 4 :growth level 7 :water sport level 10 :stun spore level 13 :mega drain level 16 :worry seed after them my budew evolved at level 21 so I guess there the moves it learns. it then evolves into rosellia and then into roserade. roserade is awesome and is one of the coolest Pokemon ever
Leaf Storm is not a move that Roserade can really learn. You would have to leave a Roserade and a Pokemon that does know leaf storm in the daycare. Cross your fingers and hope the egg is a budew with leaf storm.
No. In fact, Roserade doesn't learn any moves by level-up. roserade can learn it though from the move tutor
Roserade doesn't exactly learn Weather Ball in the tradition sense but it does know and can learn the move. In-order to teach Roserade the move Weather Ball you need to find a Move Reminder which is an NPC that will reteach a Pokémon moves it already learned at lower levels for the cost of 1 Heart Scale. This is the only way to teach Roserade Weather Ball, many other Pokémon also have moves that require a Move Reminder to learn.
No. Roserade cannot learn Dark Pulse. Sorry.
In Pokémon Diamond, Roserade is no capable of learning additional moves or attacks however you can go to the Move Relearner in order to reteach it moves such as Weather Ball, Poison Sting, Mega Drain, Magical Leaf and Sweet Scent.
Roserade can only learn extrasensory through breeding. If you have a Pokemon that already knows that move, try to breed it with Roserade.
the moves budew learn are as followed up to level 16 when it hatches :absorb level 4 :growth level 7 :water sport level 10 :stun spore level 13 :mega drain level 16 :worry seed after them my budew evolved at level 21 so I guess there the moves it learns. it then evolves into rosellia and then into roserade. roserade is awesome and is one of the coolest Pokemon ever
Leaf Storm is not a move that Roserade can really learn. You would have to leave a Roserade and a Pokemon that does know leaf storm in the daycare. Cross your fingers and hope the egg is a budew with leaf storm.
a Roselia
Roserade never learns Petal Dance, you have to level up Roselia to lvl.40 when it learns it.
Roselia learn giga drain at 25 before evolve to roserade.