Mr.mime's moves:
level move
- barrier
15 confusion
23 light screen
31 double slap
39 meditate
47 substitute
For more info click link below.
These are the moves it can learn by leveling up:Level 15- ConfusionLevel 23- Light ScreenLevel 31- Double SlapLevel 39- MeditateLevel 47- Substitute
There is no mime jr. on Pokemon pearl. On diamond there is mime jr. on Pokemon pearl there is bonsly
The following Pokemon can learn Flash by TM in the Kanto region: Pikachu Raichu Clefairy Clefable Jigglypuff Wigglytuff Venonat Venomoth Abra Kadabra Alakazam Slowpoke Slowbro Drowzee Hypno Voltorb Electrode Chansey Staryu Starmie Mr. Mime Electabuzz Jolteon Porygon Zapdos Mewtwo Mew Pikachu
You can trade an Abra for Mr. Mime in a house on Route 3 in Pokemon FireRed.
it dose not mime jr. and mr. mime are different pokemon-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No. He evolves after learning mimic.:)
These are the moves it can learn by leveling up:Level 15- ConfusionLevel 23- Light ScreenLevel 31- Double SlapLevel 39- MeditateLevel 47- Substitute
Mime Jr. doesn't exist in blue. It's evolved form, Mr. Mime, does and you must trade for it.
Make a Mr Mime or Mime Junior have sex with a Pokemon that knows teeter dance and pull out the egg with a mime junior knowing teeter dance.
There is no mime jr. on Pokemon pearl. On diamond there is mime jr. on Pokemon pearl there is bonsly
Mr. Mime -- A Chikorita can learn it at Lvl 12, too.
Go to the Name Rater in Lavender.
Mime Jr. is a Psychic type pokemon.
The following Pokemon can learn Flash by TM in the Kanto region: Pikachu Raichu Clefairy Clefable Jigglypuff Wigglytuff Venonat Venomoth Abra Kadabra Alakazam Slowpoke Slowbro Drowzee Hypno Voltorb Electrode Chansey Staryu Starmie Mr. Mime Electabuzz Jolteon Porygon Zapdos Mewtwo Mew Pikachu
You can trade an Abra for Mr. Mime in a house on Route 3 in Pokemon FireRed.
it dose not mime jr. and mr. mime are different pokemon-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No. He evolves after learning mimic.:)
Darkrai is not available in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team, because Darkrai is a Generation IV Pokemon, and Blue Rescue Team only has Pokemon from Generations I-III (except for Bonsly, Weavile, Mime Jr., and Lucario, who only appear in the game as statues).
mr. mime