Your rival (officialy named Blue)'s Heracross knows the following moves:
Rock Tomb(Rock-type)
i don't really know but i think you get banned
yes but you don't know what moves the day care lady will change
You can train a Heracross in any cave. If you know a trainer with psychic Pokemon, you can train Heracross against that trainer. Caves are the best choices because fighting easily beats rock.
Arieal ace, Thunderbolt, Earthquake, and Crunch.
There is 2 ways: Put honey on Honey trees (DPP only) Headbutt trees (HG/SS Only) Thats all I know. Feel free too improve it if you know more ways too get Heracross.
Horn Attack Megahorn Sleep Talk Hyper Beam
If they know all the right moves I gotta say 99.999
Any Pokemon that know flying, fire, or psychic moves will ultimately defeat Heracross. While flying moves prove to be the most effective (super effective against both fighting and bug), fire and psychic types work equally as well. Because Heracross has a higher defense than special defense, a special attack would be more effective, as well. Some Pokemon that could defeat Heracross include: Fearow, spearow, pidgeot, pidgeotto, pidgeot, empoleon, piplup, starly, staravia, staraptor, chimchar, monferno, infernape, vulpix, ninetales, charmander, charizard, the list can go on and on, but those are some examples of Pokemon that can naturally defeat heracross.
i don't really know but i think you get banned
I don't know what you're talking about. Be more specific.
I Don't know for sure. But moves are: Fire Blast, Earthquake, Wing Attack and Flamethrower.
yes but you don't know what moves the day care lady will change
X-scissor Steel Wing Fire Fang
OK you have to get a strong pokemon with ice moves or know dragon moves but dont use elec or fire moves hope this helps
You can train a Heracross in any cave. If you know a trainer with psychic Pokemon, you can train Heracross against that trainer. Caves are the best choices because fighting easily beats rock.
First you have to go to the sport shop you already be there and then...... I dont know
heracross will learn these moves by level up: Level 1: Leer,Tackle Level 6:Horn Attack Level 11:Endure Level 17:Fury Attack Level 23:Brick Break Level 30:Counter Level 37:Take Down Level 47:Reversal Level 53:Mega Horn Note:these moves are from Gen lll,which is FireRed,LeafGreen,Ruby,Sapphire,and Emerald -Deniel