You can train a Heracross in any cave. If you know a trainer with psychic Pokemon, you can train Heracross against that trainer. Caves are the best choices because fighting easily beats rock.
I think its good, but, u did not keep your starter pokemon thats funny actually anyways i would suggest you to train ,swellow , a grumpig , wailord (or) , aggron , raichu, wlarien anyways i would suggest u to train your starter instead of grumpig i guess this would have helped a bit
A good place would be 7 island.
There are various good places to train flying types in Pokemon Platinum. A good thing to do would be to use the vs seeker.
Heracross would be a better choice because Scizor has terrible special defense and since its really weak against Fire types it would be a bad choice, Heracross has really high attack power and can learn really good moves like Reversal, Endure and Earthquake and Megahorn definetely a better choice.
Psychic(Gallade)is weak to Umbreon and Gengar. You shouldn't get a Pokemon which has 2 weakness pokemons. That means a Pokemon's type is one of the weakness of a/another Pokemon. Charizard and Salemence is good for Sp.Att... Heracross is good for Sp.Def.../Defense... Umbreon and Gengar is good for Speed. You should train Heracross for Speed,Eviaveness(Sorry if my spelling's wrong but I haven't played my Nintendo DS Lite for a long time.(And Its Pokemon Pearl.)Accuracy and Sp.Att./Attack..too.. If that Gallade has Psycho Cut and Focus Punch it'll be great! I would like to suggest that you should change the Gengar to Giratina?If not then Raichu? Gamma8,Zorbak
I think its good, but, u did not keep your starter pokemon thats funny actually anyways i would suggest you to train ,swellow , a grumpig , wailord (or) , aggron , raichu, wlarien anyways i would suggest u to train your starter instead of grumpig i guess this would have helped a bit
The only good place to train is the elite four unfortunately.
A good place would be 7 island.
No You can get Heracross on honey tree's. No. Shut up! good bye. ~kalempokemaster~
yes very
it depends what level your Roselia is. if it is higher than 40 it would be good to train it at the elite 4 if it is below level 40 it is good to train it anywhere with a EXP share.
A good place to train glaceon is route 217 and route 216. Hope this Helps:)
A good place to train is the moonglow quest located in amityvale, Blacksmith dude
I would like to know...
If you are not a defence pure I would suggest any monster you usually train on if you are try monks or cave bugs.
A good place to train would be lvl 50 spiders in the stronghold of security they auto attack you so all you have to do is eat.
No, try Dragonair, Dragonite, Gyrados, etc. Heracross is WEAK compared to these!