Muk, I'm not so sure about, but go to this site for help
Muk is the better pokemon
A Muk Isn't A Very Special Pokemon. It Evolves From A Grimer, Which In The First Who Pokemon Games(Kanto And Johto Regions) Aren't That Hard To Find. ^.^ But, It's Hard To Find A Muk And Catch It.
you can't catch muk in emerald but you can catch grimer in the fiery path and get him to level 30 and he will evolve in to muk okay
No. Only Ditto and Mew can learn transform. (I think...)
By evolving Grimer
It can be if you teach it the right moves.
the most usall Pokemon to learn slude bomb are Poison type Pokemons or buy the HM or TM at a store (grimer, muk, arbok, Golbat,)
Which game? Grimer > lvl 38 > Muk In Firered and Leafgreen you can find them in Celadon City by fishing, but that is pretty rare, and the Pokemon Mansion eveywhere.
The Pokemon Mansion is at the top of Cinnabar Island near the Gym. There you can catch any fire types like Vulpix. You can also find Muk and Grimer.
Muk is the better pokemon
you must go into the old mansion on the island and search for the key. the mansion is inhabbated by a couple Pokemon such as vulpix to muk it also has many items and trickey door locks
Within the Cinnibar Mansion. You'll find Muk and Ditto here, so bring some Poke Balls, too.
A Muk Isn't A Very Special Pokemon. It Evolves From A Grimer, Which In The First Who Pokemon Games(Kanto And Johto Regions) Aren't That Hard To Find. ^.^ But, It's Hard To Find A Muk And Catch It.
Muk is #89 in the national pokedex, and it is a Poison type Pokemon.
you can't catch muk in emerald but you can catch grimer in the fiery path and get him to level 30 and he will evolve in to muk okay
No. Only Ditto and Mew can learn transform. (I think...)
grimer evoles at level 32 to muk because i have 10