the moves charmander learns go as: level 7- ember, level 13- metal claw
Charmander learns metal claw at level 13. Hope I helped.
Before it evolves into charizard at level 36 and after it evolves from charmander at 16 it learns Smokescreen (lvl.20), Scary Face (lvl.27), and Flamethrower (lvl.34)
Go to two island and go into the house near the game corner inside a man asks for two tiny mushrooms or a giant mushroom to get these items catch lots of paras and parasect in the safari zone then give him the mushrooms and he will allow any of your Pokemon to learn moves they tried to learn before but never did plus he will teach your Pokemon moves it was supposed to learn as another form Example: If you bring a level 70 charizard to this guy he will allow it to learn heat wave but it never tried to learn it that's because it was supposed to learn it as a charmander or charmeleon.
lugia and fregulater and charmander
it can learn Grass and Psychic moves
the moves charmander learns are nothing
I'm not sure, but go to, type in charmander, click 4th gneration (if it says 3rd generation, its on 4th generation) and click moves and scroll up and down.
Charmander cannot learn lava plume.
It depends on what level the turtwig and charmander are on, and what moves each Pokemon has.
Charmander doesn't learn Skullbash unless you obtain the TM40. I believe this TM is located in the Safari Zone. Goodluck!
Charmander learns metal claw at level 13. Hope I helped.
they learn it at level 7.
Charmander, Cyndiqual can learn smokescreen
Before it evolves into charizard at level 36 and after it evolves from charmander at 16 it learns Smokescreen (lvl.20), Scary Face (lvl.27), and Flamethrower (lvl.34)
Charmander must evolve into Charizard to learn Hyper Beam.