Spiritual warriors, rangers or mages
All 4 Godwar bosses
Metal dragons
Clue Scrolls are random drops from monster that will lead you to a hidden treasure There are 3 different types of clue scrolls, the higher the clue scroll, the better the reward: lvl 1: These are the easiest clue scrolls, they are dropped by low lvl monsters and the clues are easier to work out lvl 2: These are medium difficulty clue scrolls, they are dropped by medium lvl monsters, and will have a mixture of lvl 1 and 3 clues. lvl 3: these are the hardest clue scrolls, they are dropped by high lvl monsters, and will be the hardest to work out. When you work out a clue scroll and search the chest, create or dig in the right spot, you will either get: another clue scroll (Then you work that one out) or your treasure. For more info check here: http:/runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Clue_scroll
see the link too see what monster drop what clues. Level 21 guards are the lowest level NPC to drop them. For higher levelled players, Level 83 Cockroach soldiers found in the Stronghold of Player Safety can also be slain for level 2 Clue scrolls. A monster found to have a fairly high drop rate of these scrolls is the pyrefiend. i have also found that dagannoths under the lighthouse which requires completion of horror from the deep drop a clue very frequently
lvl 100 is the last lvl on moshi monsters.
for non members lvl 53 ice giants that can be found northeast of falador in some caverns or if your a member lvl 50 spiders on the 3rd floor of the stronghold or greater demons lvl 90.
Barbarian - Barbarian Village ( Between Varock and Falador.Dwarf - Dwarve Mines ( Falador ).Thug - Edgeville Dungeon.
They drop level 2 clue scrolls.
Clue Scrolls are random drops from monster that will lead you to a hidden treasure There are 3 different types of clue scrolls, the higher the clue scroll, the better the reward: lvl 1: These are the easiest clue scrolls, they are dropped by low lvl monsters and the clues are easier to work out lvl 2: These are medium difficulty clue scrolls, they are dropped by medium lvl monsters, and will have a mixture of lvl 1 and 3 clues. lvl 3: these are the hardest clue scrolls, they are dropped by high lvl monsters, and will be the hardest to work out. When you work out a clue scroll and search the chest, create or dig in the right spot, you will either get: another clue scroll (Then you work that one out) or your treasure. For more info check here: http:/runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Clue_scroll
i believe that they stoped droping clue scrolls. you could ask in lumbridge. people are cery helpfull. gl
lvl 3 clues are dropped by a multitude of monsters, but ones that ive gotten them from include hellhounds, black demons, greater demons, and metal dragons (which also drop elite clue scrolls, i think. At least Mithril ones do.)
You can kill certain monsters for a level 1 clue scroll. Refer to tip it & go to treasure trails where you should then see a list of monsters that drop each level clue under "Basics"
see the link too see what monster drop what clues. Level 21 guards are the lowest level NPC to drop them. For higher levelled players, Level 83 Cockroach soldiers found in the Stronghold of Player Safety can also be slain for level 2 Clue scrolls. A monster found to have a fairly high drop rate of these scrolls is the pyrefiend. i have also found that dagannoths under the lighthouse which requires completion of horror from the deep drop a clue very frequently
there is no fixed rate of drops for clue scrolls but it can range from your 2nd kill to your 1,000th kill
1 in 10000
The best way to get lvl 1 clue scrolls is to kill lvl2 men or women or kill goblins lvl2.
Monsters starting from lvl 20 and above drop eggs and also, you too must be lvl 20. Starting from this lvl, your chances of getting eggs are very slim. As you gain lvl and fight higher lvl monsters, your chances increases. At lvl 50, you should get eggs very frequently.
To do a clue scroll on runescape requires you to look at the clue which is given and then work out where the clue is leading you, you then go there and either dig on the spot or preform an emote while wearing certain items, you may also be given puzzles and challenge scrolls to do from some NPC's (not player controlled) However some players prefer to use a guide so that they don't actually have to work out all of the clue scrolls themselves since another player has worked them out for you, this can save you a lot of time since you will often get a clue scroll drop from many monsters within runescape. Also a message of caution, while doing clue scrolls high level wisards may appear and attack you, zammy wisards can simply be killed by using the protect from magic prayer and they only appear in the wilderness, however saradomin wisards you cannot protect against there attacks since if you use protect mage they will use a poisoned dragon dagger. lvl1= all low lvl cretures for ex rock crabs man lvl2=lvl 20-50 lvl3=cyclopes hellhound dragons and other high lvls. best to kill green dragons as they are easy to kill
you can get ranger boot. For all other items and lvl 1,2,3 rewards go to: http://www.runehq.com/guide.php?type=minigame&id=350Yoshi62100