geodude learns rock through at level 12 and i am 8 and i am a girl i hope i helped bye
eevees (on any Pokemon game) evolve into umbreon or espeon with happiness. happiness at night will result in an umbreon just as happiness in the day will be an espeon. to increase happiness, walk around with your Pokemon A LOT. i think its like 256 is 1 point. they evolve at about 250.
if you have Pokemon platinum graveler learns earthquake at level 45. same with diamon and periol. in soulsilver and heart gold at level 39. white and black at level 52. And yes i tryed all of them.
It can't learn Psychic.
I only know 3 moves that makes Pokemon fall asleep. GrassWhistle - Roselia learns it by level up Yawn - Dunsparce learns it by level up Hypnosis - Drowsee knows it when captured in Pokemon Heart gold And Soul silver.
It learns it at level 75.
Blaziken learns Sky Uppercut at level 59.
lugia, latios, and umbreon
You take the eevee you get from bill in goldenrod city and you max your freindship (happiness) level at night, then it evolves into an umbreon. Got to go my pokegear is receiving a call, hope that helped.
Flaafy evolves to Ampharos at level 30 and at the same time learns Thunderpunch
Giratina learns move Shadow Force when it reaches level 40.
In Soul Silver or Heart Gold it is Eruption. In Silver or Gold it is Flamethrower. It learns Eruption at level 57 and Flamethrower at 60 in regular Silver and Gold.
geodude learns rock through at level 12 and i am 8 and i am a girl i hope i helped bye
eevees (on any Pokemon game) evolve into umbreon or espeon with happiness. happiness at night will result in an umbreon just as happiness in the day will be an espeon. to increase happiness, walk around with your Pokemon A LOT. i think its like 256 is 1 point. they evolve at about 250.
if you have Pokemon platinum graveler learns earthquake at level 45. same with diamon and periol. in soulsilver and heart gold at level 39. white and black at level 52. And yes i tryed all of them.
It can't learn Psychic.