Togekiss learns air slash at base level, so you have to use a heartscale in order to be able to teach Togekiss air slash.
Togekiss can learn Tm's but from leveling up Togekiss learns none. He starts with Extreme Speed,Sky Attack,Air Slash and Aura Sphere
Crobat learns air slash at level 51
togekiss cannot learn any moves naturally, it can only learn with heart scale(move tutor), it can learn extremespeed, air slash, sky attack and aura sphere, but it is a terrific HM slave, and can learn a variety of moves
There is no TM for Air Slash in Pokémon Pearl, Pokémon can only learn it via level-up and Pidgey can learn as an Egg Move. The ones that can learn it via level up would include Pidgey and its evolution line, others would include Charizard, Zubat, Farfetch'd, Scyther, Moltres, Yanma, Hoothoot, Skarmory, Taillow, Tropius, Wingull, Shaymin, Rayquaza, Mothim and Togekiss.
get a heart scale by digging underground ang give one to the guy in pastoria city and togekiss kiss can learn aura sphere, air slash and extreme speed but you must breed a togepi or togetic with a Pokemon that can breed with it first.
Togekiss can learn Tm's but from leveling up Togekiss learns none. He starts with Extreme Speed,Sky Attack,Air Slash and Aura Sphere
Tranquill learns air slash at level 32
Crobat learns air slash at level 51
togekiss cannot learn any moves naturally, it can only learn with heart scale(move tutor), it can learn extremespeed, air slash, sky attack and aura sphere, but it is a terrific HM slave, and can learn a variety of moves
It learns air slash at level 62 on the 4th generation games
air slash is better makes opponent flinch
There is no TM for Air Slash in Pokémon Pearl, Pokémon can only learn it via level-up and Pidgey can learn as an Egg Move. The ones that can learn it via level up would include Pidgey and its evolution line, others would include Charizard, Zubat, Farfetch'd, Scyther, Moltres, Yanma, Hoothoot, Skarmory, Taillow, Tropius, Wingull, Shaymin, Rayquaza, Mothim and Togekiss.
get a heart scale by digging underground ang give one to the guy in pastoria city and togekiss kiss can learn aura sphere, air slash and extreme speed but you must breed a togepi or togetic with a Pokemon that can breed with it first.
Air slash is a 4th gen move. So Crobat wouldn't learn it in 3rd gen games.
pidgeot does not learn aerial ace but it does learn air slash on level 62
aura sphere is the best.
Go to pastoria talk to the move tutor and give him a heart scale