Shellder evolves using the Water Stone. There is no level that it specifically has to be on in order to evolve.
You evolve shelder with a water stone.
Shellder does not evolve by level. Use a water stone on it (bought from celadon department store) when you are ready to evolve it
cloyster doesn't evolve into any Pokemon. You can evolve it from Shellder but with a water stone rather than leveling up.
Evolve it from larvitar at level 30 to evolve it into pupitar then evolve it into tyranitar at level 55
You have to trade him
You evolve shelder with a water stone.
Shellder does not evolve by level. Use a water stone on it (bought from celadon department store) when you are ready to evolve it
It evolves with a water stone
cloyster doesn't evolve into any Pokemon. You can evolve it from Shellder but with a water stone rather than leveling up.
It will evolve if you use a water stone on it.
Tauros does not have any evolutions and will not evolve at any level in Pokemon Soul Silver.
Evolve it from larvitar at level 30 to evolve it into pupitar then evolve it into tyranitar at level 55
It doesn't evolve at any level. It turns into slowbro only when a shellder bites it on the tail. You have to put on the old crown and let a shellder bit it on the head.
Level 45
At level 23