cloyster doesn't evolve into any Pokemon. You can evolve it from Shellder but with a water stone rather than leveling up.
Get a shellder then use a water stone on it and it will evolve into a cloyster.
Shellder doesn't evolve by level. You have to use a Water Stone and it will evolve into a Cloyster also the moves it learns when it evolves are aurora beam toxic spikes protect and supersonic hope i helped :) lol
For Cloyster its basic
Shelder evolves into Cloyster with a Water Stone hehehe;)
Poliwhirl → Poliwrath, Shellder → Cloyster, Staryu → Starmie and Eevee → Vaporeon
Cloyster cannot evolve.
Nothing because it cannot evolve.
Get a shellder then use a water stone on it and it will evolve into a cloyster.
Catch a shellder then use a water stone on it it will evolve into cloyster.
Shellder doesn't evolve by level. You have to use a Water Stone and it will evolve into a Cloyster also the moves it learns when it evolves are aurora beam toxic spikes protect and supersonic hope i helped :) lol
You can't capture cloyster to get one use a water stone on shellder.
For Cloyster its basic
In order to evolve Shellder into Cloyster, you will need to use a Water Stone on it.
Poliwhirl to evolve into Poliwrath. Shellder to evolve into Cloyster. Staryu to evolve into Starmie. Eevee to evolve into Vaporeon. Lombre to evolve into Ludicolo. Panpour to evolve into Simipour.
Give it to cloyster and he/ she will evolve into a viclam
Evolve Shellder using a Water Stone.