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Evolve it from larvitar at level 30 to evolve it into pupitar then evolve it into tyranitar at level 55

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Q: Where do you get tyranitar on Pokemon Silver?
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Where is a wild Tyranitar in Pokemon soul silver?

Don't think there is one, but, larvatar --> Pupitar --> Tyranitar

How do you get tyranitar in Pokemon HeartGold?

Catch a larvitar at Mt. silver or safari zone , it evolves in pupitar around 30, and evolves from pupitar to tyranitar at 55.

What moves can Tyranitar learn in Pokemon soul silver?

It learns Hyper beam on lv. 57.

Best Pokemon Silver team?

i think it's tyranitar,crobat,feraligatr,lugia,blissey,bellosom

Witch Pokemon do you use the master ball on in Pokemon silver virsion?

I don't think that there is a specific Pokemon that you are supposed to use the master ball on, but I would recommend Lugia since he is so strong and such a high level (Lv70).

In Pokemon Colosseum can Tyranitar evolve?

Tyranitar is a shadow pokemon, and it's level 55.

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What game is the Pokemon Tyranitar in?

you can't catch a tyranitar but you can catch its pre evolved forms. in pokermon Black/white you can catch a tyranitar but its extremely rare or you can catch pupitar on route 15 you can catch larvitar in: Pokemon fire red/ leaf green in the sevault canyon gold/silver/crystal on mount silver soul silver/heart gold in safarizone/mount silver diamond route 207 with Pokeradar platinum route 206

What all moves does Tyranitar have in the Pokemon Cartoon only?

Vicious's Tyranitar uses hyper beam in Pokemon 4Ever.

Whats the best team for silver trench in Pokemon mystery dungeon red?

Typhlosion Gyarydos Ampharos Espeon Dragonite Tyranitar

Can you get a black Tyranitar in Pokemon?

No, unfortunately the Black Tyranitar only appears in the manga.

Who would win a Tyranitar vs a muk?

only tyranitar because he is a ground type pokemon if muk will attack than it will not work on tyranitar