In Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen, Emerald, XD, Colosseum, Diamond, and Pearl -Lv 71 In Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver -85 In all Mystery Dungeon Games except Sky- 71 In Mystery Dungeon Sky- 85
Raichu will not learn thunder.... but pikachu can learn it at level 45
it dosent learn thunder but at level 15 it learns thunder shock
It learns thunder wave at level 4
level 85
Houndoom cannot learn thunder fang by leveling up. He can only learn thunder fang is when you breed a Houndoom and a pokemon that can learn thunder fang example ( Luxray )
Use the TM to easily teach it Thunder.
It Learns it at Lv.60 and it has a 100% percent of causing Paralyze, except for those that has the ability "Limber"
thunder roar thunderbolt crunch(if it can learn it)
Raichu will not learn thunder.... but pikachu can learn it at level 45
Luxio can learn TM25- Thunder.
Raikou can learn Bite, Leer, Thundershock, Roar, Quick Attack, Spark, Reflect, Crunch, Thunderfang, Discharge, Extrasensory, Thunder, Rain Dance, and Calm Mind
It learns Thunder at level 58.
it dosent learn thunder but at level 15 it learns thunder shock
Luxray doesn't learn thunder at any level, you have to teach it to him/her with TM 25.
It learns thunder wave at level 4
ampharos does not learn thunder bolt you have to teach it
level 85