level 42
Tackle, growl, mud slap, water gun, bide, foresight, mud sport, take down, whirlpool ,protect,hydro pump, and endeavor.
Marshtomp learns Mud Shot at level 16 which it learns automatically upon evolving if you level your Mudkip to 16 to evolve it. If your Mudkip is level 17 and it evolves, you'll miss the chance for Marshtomp to learn Mud Shot.
The only way for Swampert to learn hydro pump is to let Mudkip learn it at level 42, sorry.
no! mudkip is not a ice Pokemon it is only water!
level 42
Mudkip learns Hydro Pump at level 42. Sorry, he can't learn it if Mudkip evolves into Marshstomp or if it is a Swampert.
Level 10
Tackle, growl, mud slap, water gun, bide, foresight, mud sport, take down, whirlpool ,protect,hydro pump, and endeavor.
never, mudkip however learn it @ lv 42
Marshtomp learns Mud Shot at level 16 which it learns automatically upon evolving if you level your Mudkip to 16 to evolve it. If your Mudkip is level 17 and it evolves, you'll miss the chance for Marshtomp to learn Mud Shot.
At level 42 and it has 5pp
In red and blue they learn it at level 10.
Probably when he evolves
The only way for Swampert to learn hydro pump is to let Mudkip learn it at level 42, sorry.
About 46!-close but no sigar 47 i just got my mudkip 2 47 and it learns endover Same but it was glitched for me lol it said "Mudkip is trying to learn the move Endavator+1" lol
Mudkip evolves into a Marshtomp at level 16.