Tackle, growl, mud slap, water gun, bide, foresight, mud sport, take down, whirlpool ,protect,hydro pump, and endeavor.
Mudkip learns Bide at level 15.
no! mudkip is not a ice Pokemon it is only water!
level 42
In Generation III (Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Fire Red, Leaf Green) Mudkip's move set is:StartTackleStartGrowl6Mud-Slap10Water Gun15Bide19Foresight24Mud Sport28Take Down33Whirlpool37Protect42Hydro Pump46EndeavorTM03Water PulseTM06ToxicTM07HailTM10Hidden PowerTM13Ice BeamTM14BlizzardTM17ProtectTM18Rain DanceTM21FrustrationTM23Iron TailTM27ReturnTM28DigTM32Double TeamTM39Rock TombTM42FacadeTM43Secret PowerTM44RestTM45AttractHM03SurfHM04StrengthHM06Rock SmashHM07WaterfallHM08Dive
piplup totodile squrtile mudkip
To find out what moves Mudkip can learn, just check out a site that has D/P/P data on it. Bulbapedia is a great choice.
Lv. 6- you loose your virgity
Mudkip learns Bide at level 15.
no! mudkip is not a ice Pokemon it is only water!
by breeding it
they cant, only mudkip can learn hydro pump
no, only mudkip
level 42
Level 10
Mudkip learns Hydro Pump at level 42. Sorry, he can't learn it if Mudkip evolves into Marshstomp or if it is a Swampert.