Marshtomp learns Mud Shot at level 16 which it learns automatically upon evolving if you level your Mudkip to 16 to evolve it. If your Mudkip is level 17 and it evolves, you'll miss the chance for Marshtomp to learn Mud Shot.
Level 16
It would be hard to beat him without evolving it in to swampert first, because then swampert can learn muddy water. But marshtomp's most effective move should be Mud shot.
Wattson is easy as long as you have a ground type Pokemon like Marshtomp and use ground type moves like mud shot or have a grass type Pokemon like Grovyle or Breloom.
Level 1- Tackle, Defense Curl Level 6- Mud Sport Level 11- Rock Throw Level 16- Magnitude Level 21- Self-destruct Level 26- Rollout Level 31- Rock Blast Level 36- Earthquake Level 41- Explosion Level 46- Double Edge
Krookodile learns Bite at Level 4, Sand Attack at Level 7, Torment at Level 10, Sand Tomb at Level 13, Assurance at Level 16, Mud-slap at Level 19, Embargo at Level 22, Swagger at Level 25, Crunch at Level 28, Dig at Level 32, Scary Face at Level 36, Foul Play at Level 42, Sandstorm at Level 48, Earthquake at Level 54 and Outrage at Level 60.
Keep using Marshtomp's Mud Shot, it will lower their speed, and then you should use Water Gun.
This move set is applied to Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, and LeafGreen and changes could have been made to the future games. Marshtomp can learn Tackle, Growl, Mud-Slap, Water Gun, Bide (Level 15; before Mudkip evolved), Mud Shot (Level 16), Foresight (Level 20), Mud Sport (Level 25), Take Down (Level 31), Muddy Water (Level 37), Protect (Level 42), Earthquake (Level 46), and Endeavor. (Level 53) It can learn these TMs and HMs as well: Water Pulse, Toxic, Hail, Hidden Power, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Protect, Rain Dance, Frustration, Iron Tail, Earthquake, Return, Dig, Double Team, Rock Tomb, Facade, Secret Power, Rest, Attract, Surf, Strength, Rock Smash, Waterfall, and Dive. These are its Tutor Attacks: Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Body Slam, Double-Edge, Counter, Seismic Toss, Mimic, Rock Slide, and Substitute.
In Pokémon Emerald, Marshtomp will know moves such as Mud-slap, Growl, Tackle, Bide, Water Gun, Mud Shot, Mud Sport, Foresight, Muddy Water, Take Down, Protect, Earthquake, Endeavor, Hail, Water Pulse, Toxic, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Return, Frustration, Hidden Power, Rain Dance, Iron Tail, Earthquake, Dig, Double Team, Facade, Rock Tomb, Secret Power, Attract, Rest, Strength, Rock Smash, Waterfall, Surf and Dive.
The moes that Poliwhirl can learn are Bubble, Water Sport, Hypnosis, BUbble, Watergun, Rain Dance, Doubleslap, Body Slam, Bubblebeam, Mud Shot, Belly Drum, Wake-up Slap, Mud Bomb and Hydro Pump.
I mainly Used my Marshtomp, which is immune to lightning moves due to its water/ground type. I had a Machoke too for magneton, even though Marshtomps Mud Shot yould have Koed. With Combustiken, you should use blaze kick to mow you through them
In Pokémon Diamond and in Pokémon Pearl, Swampert is capable of learning moves such as Growl, Tackle, Mud-Slap, Water Gun, Bide, Hammer Arm, Earthquake, Endeavor, Protect, Muddy Water, Take Down, Mud Shot, Mud Bomb and Foresight.
In Pokémon SoulSilver, Graveler will need to use the Move Relearner in order to learn Tackle, Defense Curl, Mud Sport and Rock Polish because they are Starting Moves however Mud Sport is also learned at Level 4 and Rock Polish is also learned at Level 8. Graveler would additionally need the Relearner for Rock Throw due to learning it at Level 111, Magnitude due to learning it at Level 15, Selfdestruct due to learning it at Level 18 and Rollout due to learning it at Level 22. However it can safely learn regular level-up moves such as Rock Blast at Level 27, Earthquake at Level 33, Explosion at Level 38, Double-edge at Level 44 and Stone Edge at Level 49.
Through training Swampert can learn: Mud Sport(level 25), Take down (level 31), Muddy Water (level 39), Protect (level 46), Earthquake (level 52), and Endeavor (level 61). You can also teach it 23 TMs and 5 HMs
iron tail mud slap
At the Mud Bay website, you can purchase healthy dog and cat foods and well made supplies. You can learn more about the Mud Bay company at the Mud Bay website.
Roxanne is in Rustboro City and is the Rock type Gym leader. Her team is: Lv 12 Geodude Lv 15 Nosepass A good team is: Lv 16 Grovyle- Fury Cutter, Absorb, (Use) Leer and Tackle Lv 16 Combusken- Peck, Double Kick, (Use) Growl and Ember Lv 16 Marshtomp- Water Gun, (Use) Tackle, Mud Shot (Use) and Mud Slap (Could use it) 97% change of winning. Thanks for asking, James B
- Water Gun - Tailwhip 11 Slam 16 Mud Shot 23 Amnesia 35 Yawn 42 Earthquake 49 Rain Dance 61 Mist 61 Haze