Pokemon SoulSilver and HeartGold:Pokemon not Caught in SoulSilver:Spinarak.Ariados.Growlithe.Arcanine.Mankey.Primeape.Gligar.Phanpy.Donphan.Mantine.Sableye.Baltoy.Claydol.Kyogre.Mantyke.Gliscor.glaceonleafeonPokemon not Caught in HeartGold:Ledyba.Ledian.Vulpix.Ninetales.Meowth.Persian.Delibird.Teddiursa.Ursaring.Skarmory.Mawile.Gulpin.Swalot.Groundon.-Lil Kurt Cobain "Hope it Helps"
it is for a lil faster egg hatching
A fish and a flower according to my lil brother :L
on route 224 Edit: But Dawns lil Sister has to say Route 224! They said theres a whole bunch of Natu's There.
Clone tons of tons of rare candies until your bag is full of them.then clone again.Well, this will take a lil bit but. Give two Pokemon "boy & girl" a rare candy. "one from trick master, other found in shoal cave" . Put both Pokemon in the daycare and he egg shul have 1.
Firstly: The poke'mons name isn't Monfernape it's "Monferno". Secondly: "Monferno" evolves into Infernape when it reaches level 36.
to smash lil' rocks in pokemon black, u need rock smash which u get from the battle girl right at the bend at the entrance to pinwheel forest. HOPE IT HELPED:)
Yes, Lil Boosie is affiliated with the Black Mafia Family.
lil twist is black.
lil twist is just plain black i think. what did you think he was vietnamese and black? i hope he is
lil Wayne because he is black and black beats white
Black Friday - Lil' Kim mixtape - was created on 2011-02-14.
underwater in this lil cave spot
a lil bit behind the maf its a lil black plug