Flaafy evolves into ampharos at level 30 and it becomes an Ampharos.
You can acquire an Ampharos in Pokemon Emerald by catching a Mareep in the Extended Safari Zone after beating the Elite Four. This area contains many Pokemon not seen normally in the Hoenn region. After catching this Mareep, you can level it up and at level 15 it will evolve into a Flaafy. Then the Flaafy will evolve to Ampharos at level 30.
You catch a Marrep then evolve it at level 15 to Flaafy then at level 30 it will evolve into Amphy
Evolve it from larvitar at level 30 to evolve it into pupitar then evolve it into tyranitar at level 55
You have to trade him
Level 31
Flaafy will evolve into Ampharos when it reaches level 30
at level 30
As far as I know, which may not be much, Flaafy evolves at level 30 into Ampharos. At least, that's what it evolves into in Pokemon: Soul Silver,
flaaffy evolves at lv 30 in hg/ss
level 30
You level it up until it is lv.30
Flaafy evolves at level 30 just like diamond.
Flaafy evolves at level 30
level 30
Level 30
You can acquire an Ampharos in Pokemon Emerald by catching a Mareep in the Extended Safari Zone after beating the Elite Four. This area contains many Pokemon not seen normally in the Hoenn region. After catching this Mareep, you can level it up and at level 15 it will evolve into a Flaafy. Then the Flaafy will evolve to Ampharos at level 30.
Flaafy evolves to Ampharos at level 30 and at the same time learns Thunderpunch