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Chimchar can only learn Flamethrower with a TM.

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo chimchar learns flamethower on level 41 just don't evolve it

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Q: What level does chimchar know flamethrower?
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What moves does chimchar learn?

Some moves that Chimchar can learn include ember, fire spin, nasty plot, and flamethrower. Others are leer, and torment. Chimchar is a Chimp Pokemon.

What moves does chimchar know?

When you first get Chimchar at Lake Verity, it automatically knows Scratch and Leer. By leveling up, it can learn Ember, Taunt, Fury Swipes, Flame Wheel, Nasty Plot, Torment, Facade, Fire Spin, Slack Off, and Flamethrower.

What level moferno learn flamethorwer?

monferno doesnt but chimchar can at level 41 but u can teach monferno flamethrower through TM 35 and u can find it at fuego ironworks or at veilstone game corner for 10,000 coins

When can chimchar learns flame thrower?

Normally it won't learn flamethrower by level so what you need to do is use the TM to teach the move instead you can get the TM from the game corner exchange in celadon city the exchange is next to the game corner talk to the person behind the far right counter and the last TM on the list should be Flamethrower.

When will Chimchar evolve?

Chimchar will evolve into Monferno at level 14, then Infernape at level 36.

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Skuntank learns flamethrower at level 34.

When does chimchar learn Mach Punch if it evolves at level 18?

Chimchar learns Mach Punch at level 14, when it evolves in Monferno (Chimchar evovles at level 14, Piplup at level 16, and TURTWIG at level 18

Pokemon FireRed what level does Charmeleon learn flamethrower?

It learns Flamethrower at level 34.

What level does chimchar evolve in pokemon platnum?

A Chimchar evolves into Monferno at Level 14 in Pokémon Platinum.

What does chimchar evolve into?

Chimchar evolves into a Monferno at level 14 and then a Monferno evolves into an Infernape at level 36.

What level does cyndiquil learn flamethrower?

Cyndaquil can learn Flamethrower at level 37.

What level does chimchar evolve on in soul silver?

Chimchar will evolve into Monferno at Level 14, and Monferno will evolve into Infernape at Level 36.