Chimchar evolves at Level 14 to Monferno.
Monferno evolves at Level 36 to Infernape
You have to evolve a Chimchar, which you can get at Professor Rowan's Lab at the beginning of the game. Chimchar evolves into Monferno at level 14. Monferno evolves into Infernape at level 36
chimchar evolve at 14 piplup evolve at 16 turtwig is at 18but Pokemon yellow starter all level 16chin char evolves at level 16 on diomand and pearl
either level 16-20 I'm not sure
Chimchar Evolves into Monferno @ lvl. 14 but when it gets to level 14 let it evolve or it wont learn mach punch.
Pachirisu does not evolve :(
A Chimchar evolves into Monferno at Level 14 in Pokémon Platinum.
at level 14
In Pokemon Platinum, Monferno evolves when you reach level 36. The character it evolves into is Infernape. Monferno itself evolved from a Chimchar at Level 14.
You have to evolve a Chimchar, which you can get at Professor Rowan's Lab at the beginning of the game. Chimchar evolves into Monferno at level 14. Monferno evolves into Infernape at level 36
chimchar will evolve at level 13 or 14 im most sure of level 14 truste me I have a infurnape level 100
If You Picked Chimchar As Your Starter It Will Evolve Into A Monferno. If You Picked Piplup,And It Evolved Into A Prinplup Dawn/Lucas Will Have It. If You Picked Turtwig,And It Evolved Into Grotle Barry Will Have It.
at level 14
in 17 level
chimchar evolve at 14 piplup evolve at 16 turtwig is at 18but Pokemon yellow starter all level 16chin char evolves at level 16 on diomand and pearl
either level 16-20 I'm not sure
Raise it to level 16 or higher. Go to your Pokemon box and go on Chimchar. Click evolve and it's done.