Well, Electrik can't evolve naturally, you have to give it a ThunderStone. You can find a Thunder Stone on Route 9, Electric Rock Cave, and you can buy them in Black City and White Forest if they are developed enough.
Tynamo evolves into Eelektrik at Level 39.
To evolve Mantyke in pokemon black/white 2 you have to level it up with a remoraid in your party then it will evolve into mantine
Lillipup can evolve at Level 16.
level 30
level 34
Tynamo evolves at level 39 into Eelektrik.
Tynamo evolves into Eelektrik at Level 39.
level 50
Tynamo evolves into Eelektrik starting at level 39. Eelektrik evolves into Eelektross by using a Thunderstone.
the only way to get it is to level tynamo up to level 39
It evolves with a thunderstone not levels
Eelektrik evolves into Eelektross when you use a Thunderstone on it.
Level 64
Level 43
To evolve Mantyke in pokemon black/white 2 you have to level it up with a remoraid in your party then it will evolve into mantine
Tynamo evolves into Eelektrik at level 39. Then with a Thunderstone it will evolve into Eelektross. It stays an electric-type and still has Levitate as its ability, leaving it with no super-effective attacks against it
Audino doesnt evolve in Pokemon black and white