Red/Blue/Yellow - 35
gold/silver/crystal - 43
ruby/sapphire/emerald/firered/leafgreen - 33
diamond/pearl/platinum/heartgold/soulsilver - 33
black/white/black2/white2 - 36
Pikachu learns body slam not by level but by move tutor.
Pikachu learns slam at level 21.
Body Slam isn't a TM in the game. Some Pokemon can learn the move naturally through level up, though.
In hgss, his moves are as followed Level 1 : Tackle Level 4 : Defense Curl Level 9 : Amnesia Level 12 : Lick Level 17 : Belly Drum Level 20 : Yawn Level 25 : Rest Level 28 : Snore & Sleeptalk Level 33 : Body Slam Level 36 : Block Level 41 : Rollout Level 44 : Crunch Level 49 : Giga Impact
rest, sleep talk, earthquake, body slam/double-edge
Pikachu learns body slam not by level but by move tutor.
It doesn't learn it by level, but it learns it only in gen 1 by tm
Togekiss cannot learn Body Slam.
Pikachu learns slam at level 21.
Body Slam isn't a TM in the game. Some Pokemon can learn the move naturally through level up, though.
Near 21 level. I have Pikachu of 21 level and it has recently learnt slam.
In hgss, his moves are as followed Level 1 : Tackle Level 4 : Defense Curl Level 9 : Amnesia Level 12 : Lick Level 17 : Belly Drum Level 20 : Yawn Level 25 : Rest Level 28 : Snore & Sleeptalk Level 33 : Body Slam Level 36 : Block Level 41 : Rollout Level 44 : Crunch Level 49 : Giga Impact
You cannot get the Body Slam TM in Pokemon White or Black. But these are the Pokemon that can learn Body Slam by leveling up. Nidoqueen, Clefairy, Jigglyuff, Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Jynx, Lapras, Snorlax, Chikorita, Bayleef, Meganium, Slugma, Magcargo, Miltank, Swalot, Torkoal, Tropius, Spheel, Sealeo, Walrein, Kyogre, Shellos, Gastrodon, Purugly, Munchlax, Throh, Garboder, Dieno, Zweilous, and Hydreigon.
rest, sleep talk, earthquake, body slam/double-edge
I know it learns perish song, blizzard, body slam, and Ice beam. That is all I know
Treecko will learn: Pursuit(level 16), Screech(level 21), Mega Drain(level 26), Agility(level 31), Slam(level 36), Detect (level 41), and Giga Drain(level 46)
Krabby can learn: Leer (level 5), Vicegrip (level 12), Harden (level 16), Mud Shot (level 23), Stomp (level 27), Guillotine (level 34), Protect (level 38), Crabhammer (level 45), and Flail (level 49). If you go to a tutor it can learn: Swords Dance, Body Slam, Double-edge, Mimic and Substitute. There are also 18 TMs and 5 HMs that you can teach it.