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rest, sleep talk, earthquake, body slam/double-edge

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Q: What moves should Snorlax know in fire red?
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What moves should your Snorlax know on pearl?

rest sleep, talk, psychic, then choose crunch or earthquake.

Is Metagross Charizard and Snorlax a good team?

yes, depending on their levels and what moves they know.

What Pokemon know moves that make you sleep?

Snorlax, gulpin,you name it they are all sleepy heads!

Where do you find the Pokemon Snorlax in Pokemon emerald?

As far as I know you can't get Snorlax in emerald without hacks. trade form fire red or leaf green.

How can you get rid of your Snorlax when every time you release it it comes back on Pokemon fire red?

Oh I know..................... Oh no wait I don't lol

What is the best moves of Charizard in Pokemon LeafGreen?

I Don't know for sure. But moves are: Fire Blast, Earthquake, Wing Attack and Flamethrower.

Will Pokemon learn new moves in daycare in fire red?

yes but you don't know what moves the day care lady will change

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X-scissor Steel Wing Fire Fang

What are the best moves Garchomp should know?

my garchomp knows 1.draco meteor 2.earthquake blast 4.dragon rush my garchomp knew these moves and it was defeating guys 10 levels ahead of it

How do get to the last gym leader in black?

OK you have to get a strong pokemon with ice moves or know dragon moves but dont use elec or fire moves hope this helps

Can Snorlax learn giga impact?

Imran: Yes Snorlax can learn giga impact. When I caught the Snorlax Lvl50 that was sleeping in front of Digletts Cave it knew Giga Impact in Pokemon Heartgold and Soul Silver. I do not know about other pokemon games in which you can catch Snorlax that they would know Giga Impact or not. But of course you can teach Snorlax Giga Impact with a TM. So, yes Snorlax can learn Giga Impact.

What moves does gary's Tyranitar know in fire red?

Arieal ace, Thunderbolt, Earthquake, and Crunch.