Snorlax, gulpin,you name it they are all sleepy heads!
As far as I know you can't get Snorlax in emerald without hacks. trade form fire red or leaf green.
yes but you don't know what moves the day care lady will change
Imran: Yes Snorlax can learn giga impact. When I caught the Snorlax Lvl50 that was sleeping in front of Digletts Cave it knew Giga Impact in Pokemon Heartgold and Soul Silver. I do not know about other pokemon games in which you can catch Snorlax that they would know Giga Impact or not. But of course you can teach Snorlax Giga Impact with a TM. So, yes Snorlax can learn Giga Impact.
Arieal ace, Thunderbolt, Earthquake, and Crunch.
rest sleep, talk, psychic, then choose crunch or earthquake.
yes, depending on their levels and what moves they know.
Snorlax, gulpin,you name it they are all sleepy heads!
As far as I know you can't get Snorlax in emerald without hacks. trade form fire red or leaf green.
Oh I know..................... Oh no wait I don't lol
I Don't know for sure. But moves are: Fire Blast, Earthquake, Wing Attack and Flamethrower.
yes but you don't know what moves the day care lady will change
X-scissor Steel Wing Fire Fang
my garchomp knows 1.draco meteor 2.earthquake blast 4.dragon rush my garchomp knew these moves and it was defeating guys 10 levels ahead of it
OK you have to get a strong pokemon with ice moves or know dragon moves but dont use elec or fire moves hope this helps
Imran: Yes Snorlax can learn giga impact. When I caught the Snorlax Lvl50 that was sleeping in front of Digletts Cave it knew Giga Impact in Pokemon Heartgold and Soul Silver. I do not know about other pokemon games in which you can catch Snorlax that they would know Giga Impact or not. But of course you can teach Snorlax Giga Impact with a TM. So, yes Snorlax can learn Giga Impact.
Arieal ace, Thunderbolt, Earthquake, and Crunch.