Lugia can't learn psychic on its own, but you can teach it through TM29.
Lugia doesn't learn psychic in Pokemon soul silver on his own. However, you can easily teach Lugia psychic if you have the move in your possession.
LEVEL 85 ______________________________________ Learn Lugia Aeroblast .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.
Lugia learns Aeroblast at level 85.
Level 36
level 40.
Lugia doesn't learn psychic in Pokemon soul silver on his own. However, you can easily teach Lugia psychic if you have the move in your possession.
LEVEL 85 ______________________________________ Learn Lugia Aeroblast .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.
Lugia learns Aeroblast at level 85.
Lapras cannot learn psychic by natural means. It can learn TM29- Psychic.
Kirlia learns Psychic at level 31.
Xatu learns psychic at level 59.
Yes, it learns Psychic by level.
Level 36
level 40.
You have to use the TM to teach it Psychic.
It can't learn Psychic.
if you mean psychic - thats level 40 and trick is level 46. It works!!