Garchomp actually doesn't learn earthquake by increasing lvl....but it learns through tm26(which is earthquake).
I dont think it can learn it.
make your floatzel learn icebeam by TM but level it up first because her garchomp has giga impact.
No, Garchomp can't learn Fly.
Kadabra will learn it not sure when.
Garchomp can only learn Outrage if you breed it.
I dont think it can learn it.
make your floatzel learn icebeam by TM but level it up first because her garchomp has giga impact.
Garchomp cannot learn Giga Impact from leveling up in Pokemon Platinum. Garchomp can learn Giga Impact from the TM that teaches it which is TM68.
I think only garchomp can learn it but its a dumb move Electivire can also learn it
in my opinion it is garchomp it can learn flamethrower and earthquake/dig and dragon type and it can learn fly. hope this helped
none you make it to a seryin level and it should learn it if it does not then it does not learn it other wise get a TM fire fang and make garchomp learn it
No, Garchomp can't learn Fly.
You can teach Garchomp Fire Fang through the use of the Move Relearner in Verdanturf Town.
Gallade is. Garchomp and Gallade can learn Dark Type moves, and Gyrados can learn Ice.
Kadabra will learn it not sure when.
Garchomp can only learn Outrage if you breed it.
between level 52 and 56