I think only garchomp can learn it but its a dumb move
Electivire can also learn it
Garchomp cannot learn Giga Impact from leveling up in Pokemon Platinum. Garchomp can learn Giga Impact from the TM that teaches it which is TM68.
There is no major difference. But hyper beam works better is your pokemon has better special attack and giga impact works better for those with higher attack.
Sorry...it's at level 100... or by TM68
No, Munchlax is not capable of learning or being taught Giga Impact.
He can learn many but he can learn moves like giga impact and hyper beam when he evolves. So if you want good moves evolve him!
Garchomp cannot learn Giga Impact from leveling up in Pokemon Platinum. Garchomp can learn Giga Impact from the TM that teaches it which is TM68.
Every fully evolved Pokemon can learn Giga Impact. Fully evolved means that it cannot evolve any further.
Imran: Yes Snorlax can learn giga impact. When I caught the Snorlax Lvl50 that was sleeping in front of Digletts Cave it knew Giga Impact in Pokemon Heartgold and Soul Silver. I do not know about other pokemon games in which you can catch Snorlax that they would know Giga Impact or not. But of course you can teach Snorlax Giga Impact with a TM. So, yes Snorlax can learn Giga Impact.
Tauros, Aerodactyl, Snorlax, Donphan, Electivire, and Regigigas learn Giga Impact by leveling up.A lot more learn it by TM.
Yes it does. In order for it to learn Giga Impact you must have TM68
Giga impact
You can't, giga impact is a Gen 4 move.
Stoutland learns Giga Impact at level 59.
Almost All Pokemons In The 3rd Or 2nd Forms Can Learn Giga Impact so Can Dragonite
He doesn't, you either have to evolve him into Electivire and level him up or teach him Giga Impact via tm
garchomp can naturaly learn giga impact, earthquake
level 73.