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Kadabra will learn it not sure when.

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Q: What Pokemon can learn trick in Pokemon Diamond?
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Where do you get the Pokemon move trick on Pokemon Diamond?

Trick can only be learned by level up in diamond and pearl. However, in Platinum there is a move tutor on Route 212 who will teach a Pokemon trick in return for colored shards.More information about what Pokemon learn the moves when check here AND ALAKAZAM CAN LEARN TRICK AT LV 46

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No, not all Pokemon in Diamond can learn Hyper Beam.

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In Pokemon Diamond what Pokemon can learn flash?

In Pokemon diamond many Pokemon can learn flash for eg. Electric Pokemon such as Pachurisu Pichu and Luxray all (eveloutions) and yeah just experiment and see what can learn flash!

What does iron do on Pokemon Diamond?

you give it to a Pokemon that has trick the in a battle use trick then the other Pokemon has that item iron ect:in victory road the kadabra's have trick It gives them +10 EV in defense

What Pokemon learn thief in Pokemon Diamond?

Keckleon Mightyena and oall the pokemon learn using a TM.

Can lickilicky learn guilotine in Pokemon Diamond?

No, it can`t

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What level does Garchomp learn earthquake in Pokemon diamond?

I dont think it can learn it.

How do you get to the sixth gym leader in Pokemon diamond?

One of your Pokemon has to learn surf.

Who can learn Draco meteor in Pokemon diamond?

Any dragon Pokemon can learn Draco meteor. Hope this helped!