you give it to a Pokemon that has trick the in a battle use trick then the other Pokemon has that item iron ect:in victory road the kadabra's have trick
It gives them +10 EV in defense
Iron Island
TM 23 Iron Tail can be found in the Iron Mountain.
cherrim you can find it by battling a certain Pokemon trainer on iron island
Anywhere on Iron Island, just insert a ruby cartridge.
iron island
Trade with diamond, Pokemon diamond only can get it from a iron ball like fossil
iron island but have some Pokemon that have HMS
get TM23 (iron tail) in iron mountain
Iron Island
TM 23 Iron Tail can be found in the Iron Mountain.
On iron island at the last room.
Fuego Iron works
in Pokemon diamond and pearl, its in iron island
Iron island the man gives it to you!
You find him on iron island in the cave