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at level 1 but u need to go to the fat move tutor with heart scale. it wont work for me :(

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Q: What level does Crobat learn cross poison in Pokemon platinum?
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How do you get Cross Poison in SoulSilver?

You must level up Parasect, Crobat, Skorupi or Drapion to have a Pokemon that knows Cross Poison. It is not a TM.

What moves does Crobat learn in Pokemon diamond?

Crobat learns Cross Poison, Screech, Leech Life, Supersonic, Astonish, Bite, Wing Attack, Confuse Ray, Air Cutter, Mean Look, Poison Fang, Haze, and Air Slash.

Were is the TM cross poison in Pokemon platinum?

A TM for Cross Poison doesn't exist. Look here to learn which pokémon can learn it by level up:

Is this a good moveset for a Crobat U-turn hypnosis whirlwind cross-poison?

its pretty good but make a few changes u-turn, cross-poison, fly, air slash Or U-Turn, Coross Poison, Fly, Bite(because Crobati s weak against Psychic)

What level does golbat learn cross poison?

it's simple, use a heart scale on a crobat higher than lvl 10. easy!

Where do you find the Pokemon combee on Pokemon platinum?

you put honey in a tree and wait for it to shake ,then cross your fingers.

What moves does Crobat learn?

cross poison , wing attck, poiskn fang, air cutter, haze, mean look, confuse ray. that's all i remember hope i helped

What moves does drapion learn in Pokemon Platinum?

In Pokémon Platinum, the moves that Drapion can learn via level up are Leer, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Poison Sting, Bite, Pin Missile, Crunch, Acupressure, Scary Face, Knock Off, Poison Fang, Cross Poison and Toxic Spikes.

What level do you get drapion on Pokemon diamond?

lv 40 learns cross poison at level 58 better give skourpi a everstone and keep it unevolved til level 50 then skourpi will learn cross poison and then evolve it

When was Poison Cross railway station created?

Poison Cross railway station was created in 1925.

When did Poison Cross railway station end?

Poison Cross railway station ended in 1928.

How do you get garintina in Pokemon platinum?

go to the right end of sinnoh and there will be a brige cross it and you will see him flying around a island and you will battle him and use a master ball.