A TM for Cross Poison doesn't exist.
Look here to learn which pokémon can learn it by level up: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Cross_Poison
You must level up Parasect, Crobat, Skorupi or Drapion to have a Pokemon that knows Cross Poison. It is not a TM.
In Pokemon Platinum, Flash is a TM.
Tm 60 in Pokemon Platinum is drain punch
TM 84 contains the move Poison jab. This TM is located on route 212. This move has a power of 80 and can poison the foe (a really nice move)
Aura sphere isn't a TM in Pokemon platinum.
You must level up Parasect, Crobat, Skorupi or Drapion to have a Pokemon that knows Cross Poison. It is not a TM.
In Pokemon Platinum, Flash is a TM.
horn drill is not a TM in Pokemon platinum.
Tm 60 in Pokemon Platinum is drain punch
TM 84 contains the move Poison jab. This TM is located on route 212. This move has a power of 80 and can poison the foe (a really nice move)
Aura sphere isn't a TM in Pokemon platinum.
u cant it not tm :(
Ice Punch cannot be found as a TM in Pokemon Platinum. Ice Punch was TM 33 in Pokemon Gold and Silver but TM 33 was changed to Reflect since then meaning Ice Punch is no longer a TM move.
There is no TM icy wind. Your Pokemon have to level up to learn it
Magical Leaf isn't a TM.
As far as I know, it's not a TM.